Open BlueStacks 3 and click on My Apps tab.Download the APK file of your desired game or application.Download, install, and setup BlueStacks 3.How to install Apps or Games using APK files in BlueStacks 3 You can also set your own customized controls.

You can now launch the newly installed App and run it.After installation, the game or application will appear under My Apps tab.Search for the game or application and install it.Now in the Play Store, type the name of your desired game or application.In My Apps, go to System Apps > Google Play. Once done setting up Google Account, click on My Apps section.Follow the on-screen instructions and set it up. Once installed, BlueStacks 3 will ask you to setup Google Account.

This section includes the settings application, the Play Store, Browser and the camera application. Inside My Apps section, you can find the System Apps folder in which you can find all the pre-loaded applications. You can find a Google Play Store button in the taskbar as well. Google Play Store has been made visible in this BlueStacks as well. The option to install APKs has been added right next to the multi-instance feature. This is useful if you wish to maintain two Google accounts in BlueStacks. Using this feature, you can run BlueStacks in another new window in which you can login using a different account. If you look at the bottom, you will find the new multi-instance feature.